Nestlé Purina Supports Future Generations Through Nestlé Needs You
As greater Nestlé continues to deeply evaluate the workforce and attempt to tackle global issues affecting future generations, we recognize the need for talented maintenance, electrical technicians, information systems (IS), and controls personnel. As a global initiative, together we launched Nestlé Needs You, a career acceleration initiative to help people of all ages gain work experience and strengthen their professional development skills. An unconditional commitment to training highly skilled workers, this program leverages unique apprenticeship opportunities to ensure thriving, resilient communities for the future.
The program not only aims to grow development opportunities across our organization, but also grow our outreach in conjunction with our existing college recruitment efforts and early careers programs. This includes our Management Development Program which places recent graduates into entry-level, management development roles to prepare young professionals to advance into management roles at one of our nationwide manufacturing facilities. It entails the ability to work and travel between factories to gain valuable development opportunities in a variety of departments including Accounting, Engineering, IS/IT, Manufacturing Excellence, Production, Supply Chain, Operations, Human Resources, and Quality Assurance.
We work to connect our factory teams to career development opportunities in their communities by partnering with local technical schools and colleges to provide apprenticeship programs that combine paid work experience and on-the-job mentorship to further develop associate’s skills.
In our headquarters located in St. Louis, Missouri, we offer comprehensive, annual internship opportunities for current and recent graduates across several areas of our business including Data Science, Audit & Finance, and Public Relations. Additionally, we are strengthening the future veterinary workforce by providing mentorship, training, and educational opportunities to veterinarian students and recent graduates through ambassador programs and partnerships with local colleges.
“We believe we have a unique opportunity, and responsibility, to play an active part in the communities where we live and work,” said Steve Degnan, Chief Human Resources Officer for Nestlé Purina PetCare North America. “Our apprenticeship and internship programs are designed so that individuals in the local community are better prepared for the workplace, while simultaneously developing the specific skills we need at Nestlé Purina.”
To make it official, Nestlé Needs You took true form when Nestlé and former Swiss Vice President, Johann Schneider Amman, announced the signing of a Joint Declaration of Intent with the U.S. Department of Labor, Commerce and Education in Washington D.C. This Declaration promotes vocational and professional education and training, career and technical education, and apprenticeship opportunities that we feel will make a larger impact.
Explore early career opportunities to launch your career today. To stay connected with us, and plan for your future career, join our Early Careers Talent Community.